IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


IMG_3787The IMWS Charity committee made an urgent donation to the purchasing of a water tanker in the drought ridden state of Maharashtra, India.

The water crisis in the state has left around nine million severly affected. The fastest and most effective method in the short term is to provide water from neighbouring boroughs some 25 to 40Km away. For this charity Tayyab Trust who operate in India have pledged to provide tankers and the IMWS has made a donation to the cause.

The funds on this occasion were provided from the General Fund. IMWS receive donations throughout the year from the community for the General Fund which is then sent to wherever an urgent need is or arises.

IMG_3785The £1500 donated by IMWS will enable 100 water tankers to provide around 600,000 litres of water to the worst hit areas.


IMWS donates to Maharashtra draught emergency appeal