IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


DSCN1053Representatives from local schools said their visit to a local maddressa’s open evening was ‘extremely interesting’ and allowed the two teaching institutions to share ‘common ideas and values’. The open evening was held at the Anjuman-e-Zinatul Islam Madressa (AZI) on Taylor Street, Batley, following completion of the recent refurbishment.

AZI gave an open invite to local schools and were very pleased to see around 30 vistors attend the event.

Moulana Shoayb Patel, Headteacher at the madressa, began the evening with a brief history about the institution – which was established in 1983 – before engaging in a tour of the facilities whilst teaching sessions were in progress. Visitors had the opportunity to see first hand how a madressa operates and learn about the curriculum being employed. A question and answer session followed with heads and deputy heads impressed at the teaching methods used.

AZI told Paigaam they wanted to show the inner sanctum of a madressa to build better understanding between the two institutions.

Judith Hopwood from Lydgate J & I said, “We found it extremely interesting and it was good to see the children at their studies. We are all committed to working together for the benefit of the children and the community and evenings like this just go to strengthen our commitment.”

Moulana Shoayb Patel told us, “We wanted to show our neighbours the beauty of Islam and how the  local community and local schools can work together.

“Many teachers found the experience a real eye opener and told us the information they gathered today will help them understand their students better too and will allow them to plan school dates and activities in partnership.”

Ann McCall, Deputy Head at Batley Girls’ High School, told the organisers, “It was good to meet, make contact and share our common ideas and values. Respect is clearly at the heart of both of our institutions,” adding a thanks for the warm and sincere welcome.

The evening was initially planned just for the surrounding schools but then opened up to the pyramid schools. Visitors requested further open days where more members of the teaching staff could attend. There are even talks to recognise the performance of the maddressa students by the pupil’s respective school.

Refurbishment at AZI was completed last September with funds being raised through a number of fundraising initiatives. Following completion, open days for parents and local people have already been held and the madressa said they would be delighted to facilitate any visits from local people.

Open evening builds understanding between local madressas and schools
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