IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


d8e5a60fdd082dd595c6e51a7f673b80Qaza namaz – simple calculator and how to guide for women

The ladies Umri (life time) Qaza namaz workshop was recently delivered at the Centre. Due to complex female issues, finding a total of namaz missed over a long time was difficult. To address this, we would like to share some practical resources to help you establish a ‘starting point’ – how many qaza namaz do I have?

The umri qaza calculator can be used to work out the total number of qaza namaz in days. Download the calculator on to your laptop/pc and type in the information for each question directly into the pdf. Everyone is unique and you may need to adjust the final total according to your situation. Therefore, the calculator is to be used to provide an approximate total and a starting point for your qaza namaz.

umri qaza calc 

Once you have the total figure, download the namaz chart and write in your total. You will need to offer a qaza namaz for the total figure for every faraz and witr namaz only. To maintain a record of qaza namaz read, use the chart and cross off the number on the chart.

umri qaza chart

If you unsure how to pray qaza (shortened) namaz please download this simple guide and consult a learned person. If you can’t access the interactive umri qaza calculator, please download this document.

umri qaza calculator how to manual

If you need help with the calculator or have any questions regarding umri qaza namaz please contact us on [email protected] or visit

Qaza namaz – simple calculator and how to guide for women
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