IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


DSCN1873Around 60 members representing the IMWS affiliated masjids participated in an Area Conference to explore ideas and share feedback as well as looking at ways of better working together.

The Conference was called by the IMWS and the Society’s Chair, Mohamed Mulla, explaining the purpose of the event said it was an opportunity to resolve issues that are common to all, to establish better-working relationships and to consult about contemporary issues that face the local community today.

Mohamed Mulla said, “It was important to hold the conference because there are so many topics of ambiguity between areas and it was vital to get every area under one roof so that the Society can facilitate the discussion to resolve such issues. It was fantastic to see the committee members from each area in the same room talking about the common issues that are facing them and the community.”

During the two-hour programme discussions ranged from issues around membership to an affiliated masjid to concerns around burial grounds and better representation of Muslims in the media.

A problem faced by the community regarding old and worn religious materials was an issue that was raised during the meeting. This is a matter that has been worked on and the Chair was able to give feedback including provisions being made which would be announced soon.

The IMWS Chair was also pleased to give an update on the recent charity work including the South Gujarat Project – which is an IMWS led and delivered initiative.

Questions about the workings of the charity committee were taken by Mufti Zakaria Akudi, who is a volunteer on the committee. He explained how the subgroup has been busy working on charity appeals which have helped many people around the world and nationally.

Member’s suggestions included working more regularly with local and national charities.

The meeting, attended by members of the eight affiliated Masajid’s executive committees, conclude with a meal and paved the way forward. A number of points are being explored through working groups as well as some already decided including collection boxes for the IMWS charity appeals to remain in the Masjids for the public to make donations throughout the year including during the coming Ramadhan.

The IMWS Chair added, “By discussing such matters wider awareness was raised and the areas are working towards the resolution of these themes. We are hoping to organise a follow-up conference to check the progress of what was resolved.”

Area conference takes on common issues
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