IMWS – Indian Muslim Welfare Society


Al-Hikmah Nikah Service (AHNS) is Muslim matchmaking service that operates within the framework of UK and Islamic law. A charitable project undertaken on a voluntary basis, supported by IMWS under the guidance of Mufti Zakariya Akudi.

Completing the form

It is vital that every section in the registration form is completed honestly and accurately to enable us to hold your most up-to-date personal profile. If you require assistance with completing any part of the registration form or have any questions related to AHNS, do not hesitate to call us on 07440443812

DO NOT fill in the registration form if you are:

  • below the age of 18
  • not a UK permanent resident
  • you are married

Ensure that you read and understand the terms and conditions before signing the declaration. The earlier you return the form and applicable fee, the sooner we can initiate the process of searching for a suitable match. Enclose a cheque payable to ‘IMWS’ for the fee of £50, as well as a copy of your current UK passport and proof of address (a recent utility/mobile phone bill or bank statement will suffice as proof of address).

Post the completed registration form, proof of ID documents and cheque to:

Al-Hikmah Nikah Service, 28 Track Road, Batley WF17 7AA


Be assured that all applications are kept safe and no information is shared with any persons not associated with this Service. The information is used purely for the purposes of matching individuals.

General guidelines

The registration form has two main sections;

1. Personal details that includes general background information for the applicant.

2. Prospective partner details where the applicant provides details of his/her preferences.


1.    Personal details


1.1  Personal – Applicants are required to write their full name, address, age, heritage, height, nationality etcetera accurately. This section will provide the interested member an overview of who you are, to compare your suitability with them.

1.2  Parental Details – This section is essential, as we will notify the potential match as to whether there will be parental involvement or not. For female applicants we need to know who will represent you throughout the introductory process (and at the time of marriage).

1.3  Education and qualification details – Insert the name of the school, college, university or Islamic institute where you have studied, only state institutions attended post 16 years of age. List what qualifications you obtained from the various institutes.

1.4  Employment Details – It is vital that you provide your current employment status.

1.5  Additional Information – This provides us a general information about your personality, character, hobbies and ambitions. Feel free to include information in terms of your Islamic convictions (levels of adherence etc.)

1.6  Marital Status – It is essential you clearly state whether you are single, widow/er or legally divorced. We also require number of children and their ages, if divorced with children from previous marriage/s. If you are divorced then please provide brief reason for divorce. Interested members would like to know about your previous experience of marriage if you are divorced. You are not required to write extensive details about your previous marriage – you can discuss those details with the interested applicant

1.7  Previous criminal record – Briefly state nature of any criminal record. If you are guilty of involvement in physical violence, drugs or been convicted of homicidal offence, you must make that clear to us on the registration form. If you have ticked ‘Yes’ and specified either or similar nature to the above then we will contact you to discuss.


2. Prospective partner details

This section informs AHNS of your requirements for a potential partner. This information serves as a guide for AHNS staff when searching for a potential match. Ensure you are clear about your preferences for a future spouse. Minimal requirements increase your chances of finding a suitable match, so list your most vital requirements only.  Being too specific in too many areas does become a limiting factor and reduces ones chances of finding compatible match.


Applications not signed will be returned and will not be processed. Signing the declaration means that you understand and commit to adhere to the terms & conditions for the duration of your membership.

Tips for success

We recommend that to you remain flexible and by broadening your preferences, you increase your chances of a successful match. Compromise whenever feasible, bearing in mind that you will not always find a perfect match. As a Muslim, one of the important requirements in a potential match is that your partner is steadfast in the deen.

Al-Hikmah Nikah Service

28 Track Road, Batley WF17 7AA

Tel: 07440443812

Email: [email protected]


Brief Guide to Completing the Al-Hikmah Nikah Service Form